Thursday, July 29, 2010


Dear friends!

Thanks for praying for preservation in vocation . We are sure that you have obeyed your eldres today.

Intention for 30th July: praying for more vocations.

Nosegay -for practical living : spend some time with sick/call them.

Miracles of The Rosary of the

Blessed Virgin Mary


The modern world is engrossed in the material achievement, worldly pleasures and fully paralyzed by the poison of Sin injected by Satan. The modernism has virtually overthrown faith, morality and GOD in daily life. Devotions, Sacraments, Eucharist and Love of GOD have taken last seat in the life of modern civilization. World has chosen mammon.

In this condition of Spiritual fatality, there is still hope through Blessed Virgin Mother of GOD, Mary, who has helped the faithful and the Church on many occasions. Through the Holy Rosary she has shown us that we can be liberated from all curses of the world and the traps laid by Satan who seeks the destruction of souls. Mary has given us hope and given us salvation by giving Jesus to us. Mary is our Hope.

The following testimonies on the Holy Rosary will bring great joy and renewal of faith and help the conversion of many souls, whom GOD has chosen to be saved. Rosary is the greatest weapon our Blessed Mother has given to the faithful to overcome every problem of this world. The Rosary recited with meditation of mysteries produce marvelous results. The salient effect of the rosary in our life is as follows:

1. Gradually gives us a perfect knowledge of Jesus Christ.

2. Purifies our souls washing away sin.

3. It gives victory over al lour enemies.

4. Makes it easy for us to practice virtue.

5. It sets us on fire with love for our Blessed Lord.

6. It enriches us with graces and merits.

7. Supplies us with what is needed to pay all our debts to GOD and to his fellow men and finally obtain all kind of graces for us from Almighty God.

Our Blessed Mother instructed St. Dominic to preach the rosary in 1214. The rosary that we recite today was given to the holy Catholic Church by St. Dominic. The church was undergoing serious crises due to sinfulness and conversions were difficult due to heresies and fatal errors. St. Dominic prayed for 3 days and 3 nights, his body was lacerated and he fell into coma.

At this point our Blessed Virgin Mother appeared with 3 angles and told him, “Dear Dominic, do you know which weapon the Blessed Trinity wants to use to reform the world? I want you to know that in this kind of warfare the battering ram has always been the Angelic Plaster (Rosary) which is the foundation stone of the New Testament. Therefore, if you want to reach the hardened souls and win them to GOD, preach my plaster (rosary)”.


The possessed Heretic

While St. Dominic was preaching Holy Rosary in Carcasone, a heretic made fun of the miracle and 15 decades of the Rosary, which prevented others to be converted. As a punishment GOD allowed 15, 000 demons to enter the body of the heretic. His parents took him to St. Dominic to drive away the evil spirits from him. St. Dominic started to pray and begged everyone who was there to say the Rosary aloud with him and, with every Hail Mary, Our Lady drove away 100 devils out of the heretic’s body and they came out in the form of red hot coals. The Heretic was saved. He begged pardon from GOD and was saved.

In this writing, I narrate the miracles and testimonies of the Rosary so that many will be convinced and embrace the Holy Rosary to save themselves and others and for the Salvation of all souls.

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